The Performance Marketing Blog

Leaving It Better Than We Found It

Leaving It Better Than We Found It

We love our client, Parks Project, and their mission!  At eAccountable, we love partnering with clients who share our passion for leaving a positive impact on the world. Today, we want to shine a spotlight on one such client: Parks Project. Parks Project not only...

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What Is A Buyer’s Journey?

What Is A Buyer’s Journey?

If you’re a business owner looking to revamp their online presence in 2024, then having a good grasp of the buyer's journey is essential. No matter how much business experience you have, comprehending the different stages of your buyer’s journey can be your north star...

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What Is Sensory Marketing?

What Is Sensory Marketing?

What is going to truly capture your target audience’s attention? Think about it–when there are so many things trying to grab your attention on a daily basis, it can be hard to choose what to pay attention to.  Direct-to-consumer (D2C) businesses face this very...

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What Is A Brand Guide?

What Is A Brand Guide?

What is your brand identity? It’s an important question that you should always be asking yourself as a business owner because it is inextricably linked to your success. Establishing a strong brand identity gives your target audience something they can latch onto,...

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